03.06.2014: Here's a video of me and Christoph Mateka on violin performing my song „Flame Retardant Heart“ at Festival For Contemporary Music in Leuk, Switzerland:
Robert Rotifer (FM4) on my show in London.
Here's a video of me performing my song "Personal Politics" at Clara Blume Singer Songwriter Circus in June 2012:
20.01.2013 Great news: I will play my first show in London on 2nd of February at the Shhh-Festival. I am really excited about this. 23.10.2012 I made a video for the song „Not Alaska“ by Ernesty International:
08.10.2012 I played a concert at Odeon Theatre at Waves Festival. Erli Grünzweil made two nice videos:
+++ The Brainmanagerz Will Play A Show At Soho In Ottakring (This Wednesday, 23 May At The Steakhouse, Grundsteingasse 15!) +++ Interview With Me On Radio Helsinki (Tonight, 21 May at 5 pm) +++ EMG Revue With Wolfram Leitner, Stephen Mathewson, Ursula Winterauer And Many More Next Wednesday, 30 May (Don't Miss This Very Special Roulette!) +++ Enjoy Your Week! +++
14.05.2012 ELOUI MONDAY MORNING NEWS - Week 20/2012 +++ Last Week Was A Busy Week: Thalija Album Presentation (Klub U Was Packed!) +++ EMG Elternabend (Thanks Sooo Much, Clara Luzia For Playing!) +++ Thalija And Eloui At Lendwirbel In Graz (Please Contact Me If You Took Some Pictures, I'd Love To Have A Souvenir Of That Würstelstand Stage!) +++ This Week Will Be A Quiet Week (Practices With Ernesty International And The Brainmanagerz!) +++ Enjoy Your Week!
02.04.2012 ELOUI MONDAY MORNING NEWS - Week 14/2012 +++Not In The Mood For This (But Don't Worry, Mum, I'm Ok!)+++Last Week's Show In Linz (Not Graz, Sorry For Mixing Up The Cities!)+++M185 Got Into The Next Round (We All Will Keep On Voting For Them!)+++Watching The River Flow (Moving Water Won't Freeze!)+++Enjoy Your Week!
26.03.2012 ELOUI MONDAY MORNING NEWS - Week 13/2012 +++FM4 Soundpark Studio 2 Session with M185 was great (Link See Below!)+++Thalija Show Last Friday At Some Strange Place (Best Backstage Ever!)+++Show At Café Publik In St. Pölten (Sir Tralala Was So Awesome!)+++Recharching Batteries This Week (At Least Until Wednesday: I Forget To Say In The Video That I Will Open Up For Lonely Drifter Karen This Wednesday At Stadtwerkstatt, Linz)+++Enjoy Your Week!
23.03.2012 I had a really good time playing the FM4 Soundpark Studio 2 Session last Tuesday together with M185. You can find some Mp3 and videos here.
19.03.2012 ELOUI MONDAY MORNING NEWS - Week 12/2012 +++Preparing For FM4 Soundpark Studio 2 Session (With Fabulous M185!)+++Enjoy Your Week!
12.03.2012 ELOUI MONDAY MORNING NEWS 11/2012 +++FM4 Soundpark Studio 2 Session Together With M185 Next Tuesday 20 March (Win Tickets On The FM4-Website!)+++Worked Too Much Slept Too Little Last Weekend (But I Have A Video With Live Snippets Now!)+++Enjoy Your Week!+++
ELOUI MONDAY MORNING NEWS 10/2012 +++Last Week's EMG Revue At Shelter (With Star Gues Joel Harries!)+++FM4 Studio 2 Session (I Got Invited!)+++Practising With Ernesty International (New Album Coming Out In June!)++Enjoy Your Week!+++
+++Nominated For Amadeus FM4 Award (Soooo Excited About This!)+++Last Week's Shows In Graz And Villach (The Shows Were Announced In Wednesday's ZIB Flash!)+++EMG Label Night Tomorrow Wednesday At Shelter With EMG Roulette Featuring Ursula Winterauer, Der Begleiter, Eloui, Nakamura Team, Philipp Conrad Plus A Show By Our Very Special Guest From GB Joel Harries (Looking Forward To Hearing Him Play!)+++Enjoy Your Week!+++
20.02.2012 ELOUI MONDAY MORNING NEWS - Week 08/2012 +++Last Weeks Show At Garage X (I Am Still Under A Charm, What An Awesome Audience, Thank You Sooo Much For Being There!)+++This Week's Shows In Graz And Villach (Ändlich Widr Walliser Diitsch Redu!)+++Asymmetric Smile (But Happy Teeth!)+++Enjoy Your Week!+++
14.02.2012 ELOUI MONDAY MORNING NEWS - Week 07/2012 +++Lost And Found Ukulele (And A Confused Head!)+++Presenting The Very Special Guests Who Will Join Me On My Journey Through My Songs At My Show At Garage X This Friday (You Are Awesome!)+++Enjoy Your Week!+++
06.02.2012 ELOUI MONDAY MORNING NEWS - Week 06/2012 +++Last Week's Show At Stadtwerkstatt Graz (Thanks Daniel For The Awesome Sound!)+++Wrote A New Song (Sealed Envelope!)+++Tickets To Win For My Show At Garage X (Visit My Facebook Page Or Write Me An E-Mail Untill Tomorrow, Tuesday, 2 pm!)+++Interview Last Friday At Radio Orange (Hosted By Mario Lang, Radio Augustin!)+++Enjoy Your Week!+++
31.01.2012 ELOUI MONDAY MORNING NEWS - Week 05/2012 +++Leaving My Bike At Home Today (Travelling By Tram, Subway And Train With My Rucksack And A Bag Full Of Records!)+++ Playing Tonight At Forum Stadtpark Graz (I Have The Honor Of Opening Up For Dear Reader !)+++Rehearsing With Strings On Sunday Was Wonderful (Thank You, Anna, Valentina, Lukas andFabian!)+++Tickets To Win For My Garage X Show (Soon On My Facebook Page!)+++The Inserts Are Back (Nearly Forgot Them Again!)+++Enjoy Your Week!+++
23.01.2012 ELOUI MONDAY MORNING NEWS - Week 04/2012 +++Again No Original Inserts (Hands Instead!)+++ Opening Up For Sir Tralala And The Golden Glanders (That Came As A Pleasant Surprise!)+++Looking Forward To Rehearsing With Strings (Three Celli And A Violin!)+++Tomorrow At Shelter: Crazy FOR Jane (But I Am Also Crazy ABOUT Jane!)+++Spring In January (At 8 am!)
16.01.2012 ELOUI MONDAY MORNING NEWS - Week 03/2012 +++News On Bike (I Got To My Appointment In Time!)+++Planning The Show At Garage X (There Will Be Strings Attached!)+++Experimenting With My New Instrument Formerly Known As Guitarele (New Name Still Needed!)+++Composing Cello Tunes For My Tornado (I Enjoy Doing That!)+++
+++Back In Windy Vienna (I Missed My Bike!)+++New Name Wanted For My New Instrument (Otherwise I'll Call It Hans!)+++Will The Mistery Singer Say Yes? (I Hope Soooo!)+++New Video (Personal Politics!)+++
+++Sitting In A Larch Tree (Grass Stained!)+++Last Week Wasn't A Good Week (But I Got My Strength Back But Still Talk A Bit Slow And In A Lower Key!)+++Fox Furr Hat (This Is Not My New Hair Do!)+++Waiting For The Postman To Bring My Christmas Present (New Instrument!)+++Traveling Back To Vienna Soon (I Will Miss The Mountains!)+++
26.12.2011 ELOUI MONDAY MORNING NEWS - Week 52/2011 +++Mountains (3883m Above Sea Level!)+++Tip Toe Through The Tulips (My New Favorite Song!)+++FM4 Contest: Soundpark Band Of The Year 2011 (Rambo Rambo Rambo!)+++Setting Up My Mountain Studio (Recording New Songs Soon!)+++PS: These Mountains Are Breathtaking (--!)
19.12.2012 ELOUI MONDAY MORNING NEWS - Week 51
05.12.2012 "I just invented the ELOUI MONDAY MORNING NEWS. Here's the first edition. Week 49/2011.“
"I made a video to my song 'End Of Chapter One'. I hope you enjoy it.“
02.11.2011 "Great news: I was elected 'Soundpark artist of the month November' by FM4's music department! This is soooo exciting! Let's celebrate this tomorrow (3 Nov) at my album presentation at rhiz. Woooooooohhhh!“ 21.10.2011 "Cds, Vinyl and Posters have arrived just in time. Artwork by Heinz Wolf. I am very, very happy.“

16.10.2011 "I made a video for my song 'Tornado'.“
04.09.2011 "I am just about to finish the recordings for my first solo album 'Chasing Atoms' which will be presented on 3th November at rhiz, Vienna. Heinz Wolf has created a wonderful art work for it.“

08.05.2011 „I made a video for the song 'Quite a Bit of Background Noise up here' by Ernesty International.“
01.04.2011 „Ernesty International - Come As You Are (Nirvana): Practise for Nirvana tribute night.“
„Fussfresser (Stephen Mathewson & eloui) - Wasted:
Practise at the Steak House.“
„Ernesty International - Falling in Love:
Practise on board of the Ernesty automobile on the way to the show in Szeged (HU).“
16.02.2011 „I am working on the layout for the new Ernesty International CD. Here's the current version of the front cover.“

11.02.2011 „I just finished recording the backing vocals for the new album by Ernesty International „Not a Ship an Aeroplane“ which will be released in April. To get the latest news go to www.ernestyinternational.org“ 27.01.11 „M185, Vienna's sexiest band at Fluc. With Brainmanagerz' mastermind Stephen R. Mathewson on saxophone.“
23.01.2011 „Joel Harries, outstanding singer/songwriter from Northampton GB performed at the Steakhouse. Sorry for the poor sound quality. Check out his beautiful music on myspace.“
22.01.2011 „I played with THALIJA at Fluc. Strange sounds. Photo by Joel Harries“

01.01.2011 „Eloui and Makki, the two moustacheers.“

„I played with Ernesty International in Berlin.
What a trip, what a night, what an audience!“

14.10.2011 „Photo shoot with Ernesty International in Linz. Here's one of my favorite pictures, taken by Konflozius.“

„I made a video for the song "All the Beautiful Women" by Ernesty International.“
15.07.10 „I'm currently recording cover versions of my friends' songs. I just finished „Sailor“ by Frau Herz.“